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Reduction of curves and conductor of a curve (STNB2022 (35è any))
Comunicacions (STNB 2011 (25è Any))
The conductor of a semistable hyperelliptic curve - STNB2022 (35è any)
Reduction type of hyperelliptic curves in terms of the valuations of their invariants - STNB2022 (35è any)
Modular invariants for genus 3 hyperelliptic curves - STNB2019 (33è any)
Reducción hiperelíptica de cuárticas planas. - STNB2018 (32è any)
Twists of the Klein quartic: a complete classification and a modular interpretation. - STNB 2016 (30è any)
Construction of CM genus 3 curves: a survey and first results - Barcelona Fall Workshop on Number Theory
Mala reducción de curvas de género 3 con multiplicación compleja - STNB 2015 (29.º año)
Models canònics de corbes modulars 2 - STNB 2014 (28è any)
El grup de Sato-Tate i la conjectura generalitzada de Sato-Tate - STNB 2013 (27è Any)
Distribuciones y grupos de Sato-Tate de los twists de la curva de Fermat - STNB 2012 (26è Any)
Twists de curvas de género 3 no hiperelípticas - STNB 2011 (25è Any)