Monday 23 to Friday 27 January, 2017
Faculty of Mathematics, University of Barcelona, Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 585, Barcelona. Catalonia. ($\scriptsize\text{With the support of: UAB, UB, UPC, BGSMath, IMUB}$)
Francesc Bars Cortina, Xavier Guitart, Bernat Plans Berenguer and Artur Travesa
Co-ordinators: Santiago Molina Blanco
Co-ordinators: Francesc Fité Naya
Co-ordinators: Bernat Plans Berenguer
10.00 - 11.15:
The space of ordinary modular forms. (Santiago Molina Blanco)
11.45 - 13.00:
The space of $\Lambda$-adic modular forms and the Eisenstein family. (Xavier Guitart)
15.00 - 16.00:
Stark's conjectures and generalized Kato classes (Óscar Rivero)
16.05 - 16.35:
On Selmer Groups and Factoring p-adic L-functions (Enis Kaya)
16.55 - 17.55:
Asymptotic Fermat's Last Theorem over Number Fields (Haluk Sengun)
10.00 - 11.15:
$p$-adic analog of BSD conjecture. (Oscar Rivero)
11.45 - 13.00:
The structure of the space of $\Lambda$-adic modular forms. (Francesc Fité Naya)
15.00 - 16.00:
On Maeda's Conjecture (Paloma Bengoechea)
16.05 - 16.35:
Galois representations with values in mod p Hecke algebras (Laia Amorós Carafí)
16.55 - 17.55:
CM cycles on Kuga--Sato varieties over Shimura curves and Selmer groups (Carlos de Vera Piquero)
10.00 - 11.15:
The exceptional zero conjecture. (Daniel Barrera)
11.45 - 13.00:
A second derivative result for $p$-adic $L$-functions (Carlos de Vera Piquero)
10.00 - 11.15:
The Mazur-Tate-Teitelbaum conjecture in the rank one setting. (Victor Rotger Cerda)
11.45 - 13.00:
Overconvergent modular symbols and the cuspidal eigencurve. (Chris Williams)
15.00 - 16.00:
Algorisme de determinació d'estructures Hopf Galois i les propietats (Marta Salguero)
16.05 - 16.35:
Lattice points in elliptic paraboloids (Carlos Pastor)
16.55 - 17.25:
A multi-Frey approach to some Fermat type equations (Nuno Freitas)
17.30 - 18.00:
Asymptotic distribution of Hecke points over $\mathbb{C}_p$ (Sebastián Herrero)
10.00 - 11.15:
The rationality of traces of Stark--Heegner points (Marc Masdeu)
11.45 - 13.00:
The eigencurve: geometric construction. (Adel Betina)