STNB2025 (38th edition)


Monday 3 to Friday 7 February, 2025


Room: T1 (Monday) B5 (Tuesday,Wednesday,Thrusday,Friday). Mathematics Faculty, University of Barcelona, 585 Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 08007 Barcelona, Catalonia

Organising committee

Francesc Bars Cortina, Luis Dieulefait, Bernat Plans Berenguer and Artur Travesa


Plenary talks and communications STNB2025



  1. The Hidden Subgroup Problem for Non-abelian Groups
    Yaiza Aguilar Carós
  2. The power operation in the Galois cohomology of a reductive group over a number field
    Mikhail Borovoi
  3. Heegner points and integration over $\mathcal{H}_p\times\mathcal{H}_q$
    Carlos Caralps
  4. Inertia types of elliptic curves defined over quadratic extensions of $\mathbb{Q}_p$
    Jose Antonio Castro Moreno
  5. Bogomolov property for Galois representations with big local image
    Andrea Conti
  6. A local-global principle for quadratic twists of abelian varieties
    Nirvana Coppola
  7. Abelian varieties genuinely of GL(n)-type
    Enric Florit
  8. On the Fermat equation $x^{13} + y^{13} = 3 z^7$
    Nuno Freitas
  9. Images of certain p-adic polynomials, their ratio sets, and a conjecture in additive combinatorics
    Stevan Gajovic
  10. Number fields with Hopf-Galois module structure repeating periodically
    Daniel Gil Muñoz
  11. On the classification of finite groups of $PGL_n(K)$.
    Gerard Gonzalo Calbetó
  12. Semistable abelian varieties over $\mathbb{Q}$ which have good reduction outside of $29$
    Pip Goodman
  13. “Safe chains” and some results on Langlands’ base change
    Javier Guillán Rial
  14. Fast Multiplication and the PLWE-RLWE Equivalence for an Infinite Family of Cyclotomic Subextensions
    Antti Haavikko
  15. Modular Tags in Number Fields
    Joan-C. Lario
  16. Overview of the Patching Argument
    Josu Pérez Zarraonandia
  17. $3$-descent on genus $2$ Jacobians using visibility
    Lazar Radicevic
  18. Comparing Galois Representations : a 3-adic example
    Ignasi Sánchez

