STNB2024(37a edició)


Del Lunes 5 al Viernes 9 Febrero, 2024


Aula: T1 Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585 08007 Barcelona Catalonia Amb suport parcial de l'IMUB

Comité organizador

Francesc Bars Cortina, Luis Dieulefait; Artur Travesa y Bernat Plans Berenguer


Plectic insights on the BSD conjecture for higher rank elliptic curves

Coordinación: Michele Fornea (CRM)


  1. Gauss' class number problem and the BSD conjecture
    Michele Fornea
  2. Introduction to the plectic philosophy
    Michele Fornea
  3. Bestiary of plectic points
    Michele Fornea
  4. Iwasawa theory and mock plectic points
    Michele Fornea

Conferences and communications

Coordinación: Bernat Plans Berenguer


  1. Retransmissió en directe de la xerrada de Laurent Lafforgue a $b=M^2L$ colloquium series 2024
  2. Post-quantum cryptography and number theory: a fruitful alliance
    Iván Blanco Chacón
  3. Potentially diagonalisable modular lifts of large weights and supercuspidal modular lifts of weight 2
    Iván Blanco Chacón
  4. Algorithms to compute Stark Numbers
    Carlos Caralps
  5. Universal deformations of representations
    José Antonio Castro Moreno
  6. On some algebraic and geometric extensions of Goldbach's conjecture
    Alberto Fernandez Boix
  7. On simple reductions of abelian varieties
    Enric Florit
  8. Totally real points on the curve $x^5+y^5+z^5=0$
    Alain Kraus
  9. La primera irregularitat
    Joan-C. Lario y Anna Rio Doval
  10. Overview and extension of root-based attacks against PLWE instances
    Rodrigo Martín
  11. Càlcul eficient de funcions theta associades a grups de Schottky p-àdics
    Marc Masdeu
  12. Euler's factorial series, Hardy integral, and continued fractions
    Tapani Matala-aho
  13. Períodes, modularitat de corbes el·líptiques i valors crítics de funcions L
    Santiago Molina Blanco
  14. On the Galois representation attached to the curve $y^6=x^3(1-x)(1-tx)$
    Ariel Pacetti
  15. p-adic L-functions and diagonal cycles for GSp(4)xGL(2)xGL(2)
    Óscar Rivero Salgado
  16. Computing Bianchi Modular forms with character
    Ignasi Sánchez
  17. On the (Non-)Equivalence of Ring Learning With Errors and Polynomial Learning With Errors
    Carlo Sanna
  18. Coincidence of division fields of an elliptic curve
    Zoé Yvon

